Online Premium Members Area
10/29/2024 5:00 PM


This hands-on session will explore the essential requirements for building a thriving intranet or internal community. Participants will learn how to translate business needs, user requirements, and engagement goals into a comprehensive community architecture experience. By the end of the event, you’ll have a mapped-out structure that includes key sections, spaces, and pages tailored to foster collaboration and communication within an internal community.

Who's this session for:

Community builders, consultants, founders, and marketing leaders want to learn how to gather requirements, map them into a visual flow, and build the community experience with the right tools.


1 hour (or less)


Francisco Opazo is a community-building expert with years of experience designing community ecosystems.

Do you manage an internal community these days? Do you have questions regarding intranet or internal communities? I would love to read all of them in the comments.

I'll also put some time aside to answer these during the session!

I hope you'll enjoy this new series!

Note: This event is part of the Premium Members Area of Led by Community; when you click the link to RSVP, you'll be redirected to the page where we show our membership options available for you. You can join us for as little as $79 per quarter!

PLEXAL, LONDON, JULY 9-10th, 2025

Community-led World Summit: London and Online

The new home for Evolving Community Leaders.